
Before you push the play button, take a big breath, center yourself in the love of God, then say:

"I am here Holy One,
thank you for being with me.
Inspire me through this music so that I may rest in your care.

Now, push play, letting the Holy Spirit surround you as you pray.

Music from the Pride Sunday Parade of Offerings
June 6, 2021

Music from the Hope Sunday Parade of Offerings

Titled: Pie Jesu
from Gabriel Faure's Requiem
sung by Eleanor Gang

Titled: Be Thou My Vison
(Lord of All Hopefulness)
Irish Folk Tune ( Slane) arr. Dale Wood

Titled: Beautiful Savior
( Fairest Lord Jesus)
based on a Silesian folk tune, 1842 arr. Dale Wood

Titled: Winter
(from The Four Seasons) Antonio Vivaldi.

Titled: Arioso
(from Cantata 156) J.S.Bach arr. Roland Germain
"Je me tiens sur le seuil de la mort"
(translation) "I stand on the threshold of death"

This is the music from the special Thanksgiving on October 11, 2020.

This first Organ recording is called Prière à la Nuit (from Jean-Baptiste Rameau 1683-1764) arr. Roland Germain.
It is played on the Mitchell-Forté tracker organ (1863) in St-Francois-Xavier-de-Brompton.

The Second excerpt is The King of Love My Shepherd is ( Irish tune St.Columba arr. Dale Wood)
It is played on the Mitchell-Forté tracker organ (1863) in St-Francois-Xavier-de-Brompton.

The Third excerpt, Organ Prelude on St.Cuthbert (Healey Willan)

The Fourth excerpt, Shall We Gather at the River? (Tune: Hanson Place arr. David Paxton)

This piece is titled "Alleluia" by G.F. Handel recorded at Lennoxville United Church.
Organist - Maryse Simard, Saxophonist - Jean-Denis Dubuc